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Releasing all tensions... Circular pelvic moves!

The pelvis is the lower part of the abdominal, which supports the whole body. The freer the pelvis, the better control of your pelvic joints and, in consequence, the better control of the rest of your body. To " let your pelvic go" for a more flexible pelvis might encounter deeply seated sexual taboos and a restricted or stiff pelvis will most likely result in lower back pain and stiffness of the hip flexors. Our physical tensions reflect our inner tensions.

Looking for solutions...


Take the time to observe yourself on your daily activities: when you write, when you tidy up, when you hold your baby, when you wash...and now pay attention to your face and feel if it's tense, do your eyes feel heavy, do your teetch clench? do your shoulders hurt? If the answer is Yes to everyone... then circle with your pelvis and balance on it, find the centre! almost immdiately, your mouth will open releasing the tension in this area and the rest of the face and a feeling of joy will draw a smile on your lips, your breathing will go back to its own rythm and your shoulders will feel more relaxed!

A softer and flexible pelvis mirrors spontaneity, joy of life and flexibility in life!

Two forms of hip circles:

The internal hip circle or Ohmi comes originally from Tahitian dance (Ami) and consists of an internal hip circle, involving lower abs, glutes and obliques".

The external hip circle is wider involves the same group of muscles but it has a different flow. While the ohmi is a very subtle move, the external hip circle emphasizes the mobility of your hip joints.

How to perform this move?

Both intenal and external hip circles are performed in a similar way. The difference is that in the external circles the move is performed with feet width apart, larger movements in the pelvic area and a tilt forward of the pelvis as your circles goes foward; so the move links 4 points: right side hip, tilt forward, tilt back, left side hip. And this, os course, can be performed in both directions, starting in any of the 4 points.

The Ohmi or internal circle links these 4 points two, but instead of tilting forward the pelvis, we "tuck in" the pelvis instead.

Size wise, and to help you visualise the move, an Ohmi circle has the size of a pea while the size of an external hip circle can be as big as a large pilates ball.

Ideally, you should perform this move involving the pelvic floor: exhale and as you tuck or tilt your pelvis forward,contract the abdominal muscles and simultaneously draw the pelvic floor muscles up; inhale and continue the rest of the circle. Try to stablish your own rhythm through your breathing. Feel the natural motion of your pelvis.

Please see click here to watch a video from my dear and talented Tiazza Rose who will demonstrate and break down the move. Enjoy and let go :)

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